General Care
HAIR – Although cats are very good at grooming themselves and taking care of their skin and hair, long-haired varieties require some assistance in the form of brushing. Thick, matted hair predisposes to skin disease and must be removed.
TEETH – Cats can suffer from dental diseases caused by plaque bacteria. Adequate nutrition can prevent this, but cats’ teeth should be checked by a veterinarian on an annual basis.
EYES – Some cats suffer from ‘sticky eyes’. If the discharge is mild and intermittent, wipe the cat’s eyes with damp cotton wool from the top down. If the condition persists or is severe see your veterinarian.
EARS – Scratching the ears excessively or a discharge from the ear can be a sign of ear mites, lice or fleas; eczema; allergies or bacterial or fungal infections of the ear. Consult your vet.
Meat or fish alone is not a balanced diet for a cat, they require carbohydrates, fibre and vitamins and minerals. Reputable commercial foods are balanced with all the essential requirements. Dry foods (biscuits) are good for the teeth but it is essential to give plenty of water to your cat at the same time. Tinned meats are another option but it is not essential to give water at the same time as they contain water. It is a good practice to teach your cat from a kitten to eat vegetables and carbohydrates such as rice or noodles. Fivet carries the MONTEGO range of pet-foods, which is scientifically balanced to meet your pet’s nutritional needs.
External Parasites
Cats rarely pick up ticks and are well able to rid themselves of the occasional tick. If necessary ticks can be removed by hand or with tweezers, taking care not to leave the head of the tick in the skin. If flea infestation should become a problem the cat should be treated with a cat-friendly product and the environment treated with a suitable insecticide.
Internal Parasites
Cats are susceptible to internal parasites such as roundworms (ascaris and hookworms) and tapeworm (Taenia taeniaformis and Dipylidium canium). Although many cats with parasites show no symptoms, there may be diarrhoea, weight loss, vomiting, lethargy, pot-belly and decrease in appetite. An added danger is that these parasites may be transmitted to humans, so even if there are no signs of worm infestation cats should be dosed. Kittens should be dosed from 6 weeks of age with an approved anthelmintic which kills both roundworms and tapeworms. An adult cat should be dosed four times a year.
REF: Internal Parasites in Cats |…