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For use in layers, breeder replacement chicks and pullets against infectious laryngotracheitis.

Active Ingredients
Lyophilized, modified live fowl infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) virus
Embryo adapted Connecticut strain
Parasites, Vectors & Organisms Controlled
Infectious Laryngotracheitis

For use in layers, breeder replacement chicks and pullets against infectious laryngotracheitis.

Contra Indications:

– Do not vaccinate hens in lay
– Do not use other vaccines 1week before or after this vaccine.
– Vaccinate healthy birds only

Application Rate

Poultry Application:

For oral or eye drop administration.

Dose rates/directions for use:
Drinking water method:
The waterers should be thoroughly cleaned before use. Do not use disinfecting solutions during cleaning. Ensure that there are sufficient drinking troughs to allow all birds to drink the vaccine treated water.

Eye-drop method:
Only reliable apparatus approved for the purpose should be used for spray vaccination. One dose of the vaccine should be used for each bird to be vaccinated.
Vaccinate birds at 4-6 weeks of age. Revaccinate at 12-14 weeks of age.