As a pet owner it is your responsibility to keep your pet happy and healthy. Part of this responsibility is ensuring that your pet is vaccinated against certain diseases. Some of these diseases are fatal and some may be transmitted to humans.
Rabies is a fatal disease that affects the nervous systems of all mammals, including man. It is a legal requirement to keep rabies vaccinations up to date; your vet may tattoo the date of the vaccination in your dog’s ear and you will receive a certificate to show that the vaccination has been done. Rabies is a horrifying disease, found in all parts of Zimbabwe and is usually transmitted through the bite or saliva of an infected animal.By law, every domestic dog has to have rabies vaccinations at 3 months, 1 year and every year thereafter.
5in1/7in 1
5 in 1 is a polyvalent vaccine protecting against Canine Distemper, Infectious Canine Hepatitis (Canine Adenovirus 1 and Canine Adenovirus 2), Canine Parvovirus, Canine Parainfluenza 3. 7 in 1 in 1 is similar to 5 in 1 the only difference is that it also protects against two types of Leptospira bacteria (Leptospira canicola and Leptospira icterohaemorrhagica). The first vaccination for 7 in1/5 in 1 is done at 3 months of age (12 weeks).
Parvovirus (Parvo) usually affects puppies (6-20 weeks of age) and is an extremely virulent pathogen causing death if untreated. Even if the disease is diagnosed early and puppies are treated, mortality is 50%.
Puppies must be vaccinated at 6 weeks, and boosted at 9 weeks and 12 weeks of age with the third vaccination coming in as a 5 in 1 or 7 in 1 with other diseases.
Canine Parainfluenza is a non-fatal viral respiratory disease-causing flu like symptoms in the dog. Dogs should be vaccinated annually.
Infectious Canine Hepatitis a viral diseases that causes liver infection is not often seen in dogs as the vaccination is very effective. It is a fatal disease in unvaccinated animals. Vaccination is annual.
Canine Distemper is a common respiratory and sometimes systemic disease of dogs and usually fatal. The disease affects the various organs of the dog’s body, causing multiple symptoms, including respiratory distress, skin infections and intestinal upsets (vomiting and diarrhoea). It eventually invades the brain, causing nervous symptoms and death. Puppies should be vaccinated starting at 12 weeks. Most vets in Zimbabwe recommend annual vaccination thereafter.
Leptospirosis is a disease carried by rats and transmitted through contact with rat urine, by being bitten or by eating infected carcasses. It is much more common in dogs than cats and can be transmitted to humans. In Zimbabwe it is more commonly found in Matabeleland. The disease affects the liver and kidneys and dogs commonly die of renal failure. Because the disease is very difficult to diagnose and to treat, it is essential to vaccinate your dog against it. Leptospirosis is one of the diseases covered in the 5 in 1 or 7 in 1 vaccination.
All the above diseases are covered in the 5 in 1 or 7 in 1 vaccine.The 5 or 7 in 1 booster shot should follow at 6 months and 1 year of age. Thereafter vaccination should be done annually.
Although cats are less likely than dogs to contract and pass on rabies, and therefore it is not enforced by law, it is nevertheless essential to vaccinate cats at 3 months of age and then annually.
3:1 (Felocell)
3 in 1 is a polyvalent vaccine protecting against Infectious Feline Rhinotracheitis (IFR), Feline Panleukopenia (FP) and Feline Calicivirus.
IFR is a respiratory disease, sometimes incorrectly called cat flu, causing sneezing, coughing and wheezing and can progress to pneumonia. If untreated the disease can be fatal. Treatment is complicated and can be prolonged. Kittens should be vaccinated from 8 – 10 weeks, boosted a month later and then annually.
FP is caused by a parvo virus. It causes vomiting and diarrhoea and is almost always fatal. Kittens should be vaccinated as above, at 8-10 weeks, boosted 1 month later and then annually.
Feline Calicivirus is a respiratory disease similar to IFR but is much less aggressive. It is not fatal but is distressing to the cat and owner.
- 6 WEEKS: First Parvo
- 9 WEEKS: Second Parvo
- 12WEEK: 7 in1/5 in 1 and First Rabies
- 6 MONTHS: Booster 7 in 1/5 in 1
- 1 YEAR: Booster 7 in 1/5in 1 plus Booster Rabies
- ANNUALLY: Booster 7 in1/5 in 1 andRabies
- 8 – 10 WEEKS First 3 in 1 (Felocell)
- 12 – 14 WEEKS Booster 3 in 1 plusFirst Rabies
- ANNUALLY Booster 3 in 1 plusRabies